Find as many 3-or-more letters words as you can within two minutes, and try to obtain the highest score possible! Bonus tiles multiply your score, or allow you to replace a letter with another appropriate one. Your cumulative score can even be exchanged for powerups or extra tries.
Angry Purrs
Bus City Driver 2
Matching Trucks
Zombie Run
Balloon Creator
Gladiator Kampf
Mumble Jumble
Wild Slot
Sheep Link Puzzle
Airplanes Puzzle
The Grinch Jigsaw Puzzle
Squid Soccer Game
Spiderman Amazing Run
World Cup Head 2022
Circle Down Game
Dream of Farmers
Cave-Woman Escape
Musical Bubble
Only Legends can play
Squid Sniper: Survival 3D
Block Puzzle Master 2020
Crazy Car HD
Giant Rush
Combat Strike Multiplayer
Gun Fest
Stick Freak
Sweet Baby Mermaid Life
Kitchen Item Search