The series revolves around a contest where 456 players, all of whom are in deep financial debt, risk their lives to play a series of deadly children's games for the chance to win a ₩45.6 billion prize. The title of the series draws from a similarly named Korean children's game.
Birthday Cake Puzzle
Mafia Gangster
LOL Spot The Difference
Spider Defense
Fashion Crazy Weekend
Power Rangers Hard Mission
Draw Weapon
Hair Challenge - Fun & Run 3D Game
Motorbike Beach Fighter 3D
Modern Wooden House Escape
Prison Eskape
Wunder Planes
Donkey Rescue
Peppa Pig Jigsaw Puzzle Planet
Shooting color ball
Animal coloring Book games-Free online
Farmer Escape 3
Snow Groomer Vehicles
Ninja Samurai
Armour Crush Defense
Factory Incorporated 3D
Choo Choo Connect
ATM Cash Deposit
N.e.o.n Bricks
Wordle Stack 3D
Drink Buffet
Tank Duel 3D
Cannon Shot
Hinder Land Escape