Among the cards you have in your hand, you will often have weapons and shields. These cards are called equipment. When your character moves on them, the card is added to thier inventory. They gains the effect of the weapon and its power. The value of weapons (in yellow) is added to your basic attack. The shields (in blue) give you protection against the first damage received. In this game, you must travel through different levels until you defeat the last boss. To do so, play cards from your hand to the free slots on the field. Once done, end the turn and you will be able to see your character
Touch Balls
Kara Jet MLG Edition
Gymnastic Girl Dress Up
Transport Sea Animal
Frozen II Coloring Book
Silent Valley Escape
Money Honey
Potato Chips Factory Game
Brick Out Shoot the ball Crusher Legend Space Outl
Squid Game - Candy Challenge
Fantasy Pic Tetriz
Rotate Shot Game
Coloring Book For Amoung Us
Cavern Run Endless Runner Game
Bubble Touch
Buddy Jigsaw Puzzle
Brain Bug
Friday Night Funkin Jigsaw
Masha game
Happy Spring Jigsaw Puzzle
Ninja VS Slime
Finger Rage
Mermaid Ariel Princess Match 3 Puzzle
Paper Monster Truck Race
Persue Girl Escape
Goat to the moon 2
Rolling Domino Smash