The bunker escape challenge is centered around an old, decrepit barn located near the abandoned home. Beneath it lay a secret passageway leading to an underground bunker, where you would need to collect 45 eerie, star-like objects scattered about without any pattern. But if even one was missed, escape would be impossible. Can you collect all 45-star artifacts in order to activate the portal that will lead to freedom?
Match Objects 2D: Matching Game
Bloxy Block Parkour
Japanese 4x4 Offroad
Flower Shop Simulator
Super Steve World
My Nail Makeover: Nail Salon
Extreme Fighters
Retro Tiny Tennis
Lets Create with Tom and Jerry
Tomb Runner 3D
Winter Pairs
Yeti Adventure
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Station Jam
Canyon Valley Rally
King of Clans
Aqua Challenge
Hen Family Rescue Series 4
Car Parking Real Simulation
Boom Kart 3D
The Powerpuff Girls Differences
Daffy Duck Jigsaw Puzzle
Scooby Doo Dress Up
Evil Granny Must Die Ch1
Gifts Snake
Emoji Matching Puzzle
Breacker Bricks
Friday Night Funkin Jigsaw
Word Party Jigsaw Puzzle